
Redirect Health has partnered with NewPathfor your medical expense coordination


Unanticipated medical expenses can be devastating for any family.

 Newpath Medical offers an opportunity for members to share certain eligible health expenses as a way of collectively easing this burden. Joining Newpath is not a substitute for insurance; it is a means of gaining an additional resource for managing healthcare expenses.

Coordinating Medical Expense Sharing For Members

Newpath Medical is the risk pooling facility that Redirect Health has partnered with to provide a solution for self-insured health plans who want to manage their catastrophic and hospitalization expenses. What Newpath does is pool the risk of a larger number of employees together creating statistical diversity for each self-insured plan. In essence, this gives each employer with 100 employees the same scale and predictability in pricing that they would otherwise get with many thousands of employees. Newpath was created out of a need by an association of employers who wanted to use the Redirect Health system to manage care but were concerned about the lack of governance and transparency of other medical cost share solutions. 

While Newpath is not an insurance company, it is exempt from regulation by the department of insurance, pursuant to Wyo. Stat. Ann. §26-1-104, which provides a set of requirements that Newpath follow in order to be exempt from insurance regulation. Among other things, Newpath is a nonprofit corporation that files under 501(c)(3) exemption with the Internal Revenue Service, which means that according to its charter, no part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Newpath shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose or coordinating financial sharing for medical expenses among willing participants in accordance with criteria established by Newpath. By structure, Newpath has limited all non-program expenses (management service provider has agreed to defer any portion of their fees that would exceed the administrative service provider has agreed any portion of their fees that would exceed the 9.9% to ensure that all times more than 90% of the funds are immediately available for program members). This means that Newpath’s structure could run at an equivalent medical loss rate of greater than 90% and still meet all obligations. The reason Newpath is able to manage its expenses so efficiently is that it does not have any member acquisition expenses, by leveraging its partnership with its founding members and Redirect Health.

Newpath is managed by an independent board of directors, who are charged with overseeing the corporate governance and approving the expense budget. All medical expenses are paid through a fiduciary medical expense fund administered directly at Redirect Health (meaning the actual 90% claims fund sits at Redirect Health – eliminating the friction in getting expenses paid as the money does not have to travel through the series of steps).

Notice:  The organization facilitating the sharing of medical expenses is not an insurance company, and neither its guidelines nor plan of operation is an insurance policy. Any assistance with your medical bills is completely voluntary. No other participant is compelled by law or otherwise to contribute toward your medical bills. Participation in the organization or a subscription to any of its documents shall not be considered to be health insurance and is not subject to the regulatory requirements or consumer protections of the Wyoming insurance code. You are personally responsible for payment of your medical bills regardless of any financial sharing you may receive from the organization for medical expenses. You are also responsible for payment of your medical bills if the organization ceases to exist or ceases to facilitate the sharing of medical expenses.

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